I am a:
CNM Student
Staff / Instructor
Community Member
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What kinds of instructional and / or program changes would you like to see to help the college better serve students and the community?
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What CNM campus facilities or spaces do you like the most (for example, certain buildings, classrooms, offices, support spaces, courtyards, etc.)?
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What physical building- or site-related changes do you recommend to improve the quality of life for students, staff, faculty, administration, visitors, and the community?
At the Main Campus?
At Montoya Campus?
At the Westside Campus?
At the South Valley Campus?
At the Rio Rancho Campus?
At the Advanced Technology Center?
At the Workforce Training Center?
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Do you have ideas for how CNM can offer more opportunities for community members to participate in activities on campus?
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What do you think is the one most important physical building- or site-related improvement for CNM to complete over the next 10 years?
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Please provide any other comments or thoughts you have to help CNM meet current and future needs.