Elementary Schools


141 East Booth Street
Santa Fe NM,87505
Phone: (505)467-4800
Fax: (505)989-5523

Principal: Dr. Linda Besett


We will strive to:
Provide an atmosphere, which is respectful, supportive and nurturing.
Provide learning experiences which are challenging, stimulating, and appropriate for different learning styles and abilities, and which foster curiosity and creativity.
Promote social responsibility and an appreciation and understanding of our multicultural community.


Santa Fe Public Schools


Wood-Gormley Elementary School is located on 1.7 acres. The school was first opened in 1926 and had additions in 1936, 1950, 1960, 1996 and 1991. The total square footage is 43,550.


The site is extremely undersized. The school utilizes a city park to support the educational program. Parking and traffic flow will always be issues at this location. The facility was essentially reconstructed in 1996.

No changes have been made to the infrastructure in many years. The gymnasium was added in 2002, but does not affect infrastructure. East Booth street, in front of the school, has gates at both ends to control access at critical times.
Wood-Gormley Elementary School Aerial Photo


Wood-Gormley Elementary Floor Plan (2010-2011)


The following school building capacities are shown in the chart below:

Design with portables (also called “building capacity”) is the generic enrollment average of PK to 6th grade students in a class times the number of classrooms in the school. The potential number of students per classroom is set by the minimum requirements for class size established by the New Mexico Public Education Department.

Program with portables (also called ''functional capacity'') is the generic enrollment average of PK to 6th grade students in a class times the number of classrooms in the school after the number of classrooms is reduced by subtracting rooms used for something other than general education times a loading factor of 95%.

Design without portables is the generic enrollment average of PK to 6th grade students in a class times the number of classrooms in the school if the school no longer has portables and if activities currently in portables are housed in permanent classrooms.

Program without portables is the generic enrollment average of PK to 6th grade students in a class times the number of classrooms in the school after the number of classrooms are reduced by subtracting rooms used for something other than general education and if all activities currently in portables are housed in a permanent classroom times a loading factor of 95%.

Enrollment 2010-11 40th Day is the number of students attending the school on the state reporting day of the 2010-11 school year.

Enrollment at Wood-Gormley does not exceed its design capacity. Program capacity is exceeded, but enrollment can be controlled by the number of transfer students the school accepts.


Wood-Gormley Elementary School has had stable enrollment since 1998-99, with high in-transfers and little new residential growth. Enrollment is projected to remain stable over the projection period.


Wood-Gormley Elementary School is located in the center of Santa Fe on E. Booth St. Students who live off of the Old Santa Fe Trail from Camino Del Monte Sol to Coyote Mountain Rd. are also assigned to Wood-Gormley and are transported to school on 1 bus. Of the students living in the assignment area, 94% attend Wood-Gormley Elementary School. Of the total number of students who attend the school, 54% are from the assignment area.

See the following map.
Wood-Gormley Elementary Student Location Map (2010-2011)


No major residential developments were identified in the Wood-Gormley Elementary School attendance area.


Wood-Gormley is named for two dedicated Santa Fe educators. The Gormley building was founded in 1926, and was named after Frank. F. Gormley who was a school board member from 1914-1932. The addition of the Wood building came about ten years later in 1936. The Wood building was named after Professor James A. Wood, who was Superintendent of the Public Schools from 1899-1912. Wood-Gormley is the oldest, continuously used public school in Santa Fe.

Wood-Gormley is located two blocks south of the Capitol building, in a historic Santa Fe neighborhood. This downtown location provides opportunities for walking field trips to museums, galleries, performances and the State Capitol Building and Legislature. Students also become familiar with the traditional architecture of Santa Fe, and are able to visit the farmer’s market and special events on the plaza. Generations of families who have attended Wood-Gormley continue to bring their children the school.

Parents organize many events through the year that bring the whole community together for fun and social interaction. They also serve as coaches, tutors and club sponsors.

Wood-Gormley has joint use of soccer fields with the city of Santa Fe.


The school offers ancillary classes in art, music, PE and library. There are special education teachers to support students that have learning disabilities or are identified as gifted.

The school offers programs in sports, associated programs that extend curriculum (camp intervention - summer program, recycle program, school newspaper), health programs, academic support programs (Compass Learning, CELL, EXCELL, AR), Chess Club, yearbook, parent support programs (PTC newsletter, new family orientation), and opportunities for parent involvement (student tutoring, PTC fundraising). Parents fund raise each year to provide a PE teacher, funds for classroom materials, professional development for teachers and scholarships for students to participate in after school activities.


Wood-Gormley ES:
Should be included in the recent rezoning review
Should be included in a comprehensive plan to include preschools
Should be included in future partnership opportunities
Should be evaluated for future capital projects for the next bond issue and/or capital program

No changes are recommended.

Wood-Gormley, a small community school, has a small site.