Inventory of Facilities and Properties 2012
State Of New Mexico Leased Facilities
State of New Mexico Leased Facilities

Summary Data for General Services Department at 505 Marquette Ave. NW, Albuquerque, NM

Facility Code 02 998 08-108
Lease Record: 08-108
Lease term - From: 12/10/2007
Lease term - To: 11/30/2012
Years Remaining on Lease: 1.50 of 1 to 2 Years
Have Options to Extend: Yes for 2-5YR
Current rental payment - Per month: $427.60
Current rental payment - Per year: $5,131.19
$ per FTE Per Year: $3,421.00
Agency: General Services Department
Agency Number: 350
Respondent: Manuel Tijerina
Owner/Lessor Name: Centurion Southwest
Lessee/Agency: RMD
Phone Number: 505-329-1003
Business Unit:
Lessor Address: 5301 Central Ave. NE, Albuquerque
Lessor County: Bernalillo
Building Name: Compass Bank Building
Total leasable square footage: 322
Current number of employees (full-time and part-time) in the facility: 2
SF to Current Total EEs: 215
Other agencies/private sector occupants: Public Defender Compass Bank Congressman Martin Heinrich EEOC
Number of FTE vacancies in the facility: 5
Projected FTE's for FY 2012: 3
SF to Projected FY 2012 Total EEs: 107
Projected FTE's for FY 2013: 4
Projected FTE's for FY 2014: 5
Current leasable square footage under lease, by program: Legal/322
Leasable SF by funding source: RMD352/322
Any space sub-leased: No -
Use Category: Office
Primary Space Use: Office - General
Special Considerations
Multiple locations in a single community: No
Study conducted to consolidate locations:
Receive special or federal funding: No
Special program requirements that impact space or housing needs: No
Special or unique factors: No
Projecting any lease terminations: Yes
Any leases on holdover status: No