Inventory of Facilities and Properties 2012
State Of New Mexico Leased Facilities
State of New Mexico Leased Facilities

Summary Data for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation at 5301 Central Avenue NE - Suite 1600, Albuquerque, NM

Facility Code 02 998 1335
Lease Record: 1335
Lease term - From: 01/01/2011
Lease term - To: 12/31/2015
Years Remaining on Lease: 4.60 of 3.1 to 5 Years
Have Options to Extend: Yes for 1-5YR
Current rental payment - Per month: $13,193.29
Current rental payment - Per year: $158,319.42
$ per FTE Per Year: $7,196.00
Agency: Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Agency Number: 644
Respondent: Marie E. Aragon
Owner/Lessor Name: Centurion Pacific, LLC
Lessee/Agency: DVR
Phone Number: 505-314-1345
Business Unit:
Lessor Address: 5301 Central Ave., Suite 200, Albuquerque
Lessor County: Bernalillo
Building Name:
Total leasable square footage: 9,847
Current number of employees (full-time and part-time) in the facility: 22
SF to Current Total EEs: 448
Other agencies/private sector occupants: None
Number of FTE vacancies in the facility: 5
Projected FTE's for FY 2012: 18
SF to Projected FY 2012 Total EEs: 547
Projected FTE's for FY 2013: 20
Projected FTE's for FY 2014: 22
Current leasable square footage under lease, by program: see above
Leasable SF by funding source: see above
Any space sub-leased: No -
Use Category: Office
Primary Space Use: Office - General
Special Considerations
Multiple locations in a single community: No
Study conducted to consolidate locations: No
Receive special or federal funding: Yes
Special program requirements that impact space or housing needs: Yes
Special or unique factors: Yes
Projecting any lease terminations: Yes
Any leases on holdover status: No