Inventory of Facilities and Properties 2012
Data Sources

Primary Data Sources Table

The following table image provides a visual catalogue of the sources of data used within each section of this site. Click on the image below to view a larger scaled version of it.

Primary Data Sources Table

Data Source Documentation

Source Source Document Date
1. GSD / PCD GASB 34 - Draft Building Inventory - FY12.xlsx March 7, 2012
2. GSD / PCD Leases_By_Agency 2.16.12.xls February 16, 2012
PCD Lease Survey (as of 10 07 11) final (version 3).xls October 7, 2011
State of NM PCD Lease Survey Report and Tabulation June 24, 2011
3. GSD / PCD Inventory Of State Land Property 05-13-2011updated.xls May 13, 2012
4. GSD/Risk management FY 10 FIRST PROPERTY LISTING.xls (Source data, 2008) 2010
5. GSD / PCD State of NM Facility Condition Analysis, Executive Summary, Prepared by ISES (partial scope) January 2011
6. GSD / PCD Assessment of State Facilities, 3Di 2006
7. NM Higher Education Department NM Higher Education Department Facility Condition Audit, Prepared by Parsons December 2006
8. NM State Historic Preservation Division, and research by ARC New Mexico's Rich Cultural Hertitage, Listed State and National Register Properties April 2011
state_buildings_in_SFhistoric_district.pdf 2011
2004 State-Owned on State/National Register.pdf 2004
Los Luceros NR nomination.pdf
A History of the Construction and Acquisition of State Owned Buildings by the State NM (Kammer).pdf August 1993
9. ARC assigned based on PCD classification, personal knowledge, or building name July 2012
10. Agencies reviewed data originally dervied from Risk Management (4) and made updates March - July, 2012
11. Department of Military Affairs FISP with Asset Area Records_3-12-2012.xls March 12, 2012
12. Department of Transportation Facilities Energy Inspection Report Revised 04 2012.xls April 2012
13. Department of Transportation NRW Improvement Workbook-2012.xlsx July 28, 2010
14. Public Schools Facilities Authority - Facilities Assessment Database March 1, 2012
15. Administrative Office of the Courts Mag Court Lease Summary-Prop Cntrl 2-28-12 #2.xls February 28, 2012
16. ARC research, consultation with agencies, pcd and others March - July 2012
17. ARC telephone survey of District Courts March - June 2012
18. Department of Health (report provided to LFC) Final Report - Cost Effectiveness Public Health.pdf March 21, 2012
19. Cumbres and Toltec Scenic Railroad Commission CTSRR Property Values 5-2-12.xls June 28, 2012
20. Border Authority (communication with ARC) NMBA Building Inventory - FY12-with NOTES.xls May 2012
21. Spaceport Authority (communication with ARC) Summary Screen Table-SPACEPORT.xls April 16, 2012
22. Administrative Office of the District Attorney AODA Summary Screen Table.xls 5/7/12
23. State Parks Division - Energy, Minerals And Natural Resources Department State_Parks_Division_Lands_Acreage - C.Lovely 5-31-12.xlsx 5/31/12