Inventory of Facilities and Properties 2024
Data Sources And Updates

The data compiled for the State of New Mexico Inventory of Facilities and Properties 2024 comes from the following sources:

Facility and Land Data

Information about OWNED and LEASED Facilities and Land under GSD Purview comes from GSD/FMD's Facility Asset Management Database (AiM), or from supplemental information provided by GSD/FMD staff.

Information about OWNED and LEASED Facilities and Land not under GSD Purview was compiled by ARC from data provided by individual agencies between 2012 and 2015.

Information about PROVIDED BY Facilities was compiled by ARC from data provided by individual agencies and the entities providing the space between 2012 and 2015.

Information about LEASE-PURCHASED Facilities was compiled by ARC from data provided by the Department of Health and others involved in the acquisition of the new Fort Bayard Hospital.

FTE Data

FTE information (budgeted and temporary filled or vacant positions) is based on data extracted from SHARE, the State of New Mexico's Statewide Human Resources, Accounting and Reporting Enterprise tool. Data is extracted from SHARE periodically, is only as accurate as what is reported and posted into SHARE, and may not reflect current numbers.

Unknown or Blank Fields

Wherever the State of New Mexico Inventory of Facilities and Properties 2024 indicates a value of zero (FTE, square footage, or cost), it is most likely because those details are pending. There are numerous instances of agencies sharing space where the exact allocation of space and cost between agencies is not yet documented in the source databases (such as AiM). Once those databases are updated, the Statewide Inventory will be updated to reflect updates, filling in currently blank or unknown fields.

For FTE data, if the Inventory indicates a value of zero for a building, it is because all FTE for a particular location have been assigned to one building on a campus with multiple buildings, or in the case of leased facilities because there are multiple suites leased separately by an agency at one address, but all FTE are assigned to only one of the leases.


GSD/FMD data presented was compiled in October, 2015, with periodic updates provided by FMD and agency representatives since that date.

Facility and Land data provided by individual agencies not under GSD/FMD purview was compiled between 2012 and 2015, with only limited updates since 2015.

Higher Education Facility Data Sources and Updates

The basis of the draft Higher Ed inventory is data provided by the New Mexico Higher Education Department (HED), supplemented by additional data from ARC’s work with its Higher Ed clients. Mapping for HED institutions is based on readily available institutional maps. Where accurate maps are not available, facility locations are approximate.

The HED facility data and facility mapping/geocoding will be updated as the Higher Education institutions review the inventory and provide supplemental maps.

FTE Data is not provided for the Higher Ed facilities.