State of New Mexico
Capitol Buildings Planning Commission
Life Cycle Cost Analysis Application BETA
User Login

Request a User Account

User accounts for the Life Cycle Cost Analysis application are issued at the discretion of the Capitol Buildings Planning Commission staff to agencies or their representatives determined to have a legitimate need for access. Please provide the information requested in each of the following fields. Upon approval, staff will email access instructions to the requestor.

Personal & Contact Information

Your First and Last Name: Your Email Address:
Your Agency: Your Phone Number: *10 digits only.

Project Information

Briefly, tell us about the project for which you would like to use this LCCA tool.

Password/Access Information

Please provide a password and a security access question and answer in the fields below. A security question is a simple question you provide that, when answered correctly with your answer, will allow you to retrieve your forgotten password.

Upon access approval, you will use this information to log in to the web application, or in the event you lose or forget your password, to recover your login information.


Your password should contain between 8 and 16 characters, is not case-sensitive, and can only contain letters and numbers (and no spaces are allowed). We recommend NOT using existing passwords used for personal account access such as banking or personal email.

Security questions and answers can be as long or as short as desired, as long as the answer is easily remembered. Common security questions usually relate to something personal in the user's life and history, such as "Where did you go to high school?", "What is your parent or grandprent's first or maiden name?", or "What was your first car?".

Remember to protect your user access password in a safe and secure place.

Your Password: Your Password (Again):
Please provide a security question ("Mom's maiden name?"):
Please provide an answer to your question:

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